1. Tourism and Recreation Receptors
1.1. Introduction
- The following tourism and recreation receptors were identified through the tourism and recreation assessment set out in Volume 1, Chapter 14.
- The location of these is shown on Volume 2, Figure 14.4
1.2. Tourism Receptors
- The following visitor attractions and beaches listed in Table 1.1 Open ▸ were identified through the methodology described in Volume 1, Chapter 14, Section 14.6 as potential tourism receptors that may be impacted by the Proposed Development.
- The following tourist accommodation providers listed in Table 1.2 Open ▸ were identified through the methodology described in Volume 1, Chapter 14, Section 14.6 as potential tourism receptors that may be impacted by the Proposed Development.
1.3. Recreation Receptors
- The following recreational paths, core paths, long distance routes and cycle paths listed in Table 1.3 Open ▸ were identified through the methodology described in Volume 1, Chapter 14, Section 14.6 as potential recreational receptors that may be impacted by the Proposed Development.
Table 1.3: Recreation Receptors